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Food for Thought

The Activity Lab has experiments, adventures, activities and DIY projects to inspire your young scientist.
Child tests buoyancy of toys
Activity Lab

Sink or Float?

Looking to teach your kids some cool things about water? Look no further than this simple activity where we look at buoyancy and what affects

Kids making bingo sheet
Activity Lab

Rainforest BINGO Game

Learn to identify rainforest animals while playing a fun game of BINGO!  Making custom BINGO games is a fun activity for kids and can help

Giant bubble with sticks and string
Activity Lab

Making Giant Bubbles

Have you ever made a bubble so big it was taller than you? It’s like magic! Making giant bubbles is a fun science project that’s

Candle being snuffed with sound
Activity Lab

Snuff a Candle with Sound Waves

WHAT TO GET:   A tealight candle  An empty oatmeal or large yogurt container with a tight-fitting lid  A penny  A pen  Scissors  ADULT SUPERVISION  

Coffee filter flowers process
Activity Lab

Coffee Filter Flowers

WHAT TO GET: White basket-style coffee filters   Washable markers   Water   Plastic cups   Paper towels or wax paper   Green pipe cleaners  Adult supervision NOTE: You might

Papermaking screen full of pulp
Activity Lab

Make Recycled Paper

Instead of throwing old paper away, we can turn it into something new and amazing: recycled paper. It’s like being a superhero for the planet,

Simple outdoor rube goldberg device
Activity Lab

Build a Rube Goldberg Machine

A Rube Goldberg machine is a series of chain reactions that make a simple task difficult and funny! Named after the American cartoonist and artist,

Raindrops on watercolor
Activity Lab

Rainy Day Painting

Is the rain tapping on your window? Then it’s the perfect time to grab your paints and create a stormy masterpiece!  What you’ll need:  Paper: Any