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When I Grow Up: Nurturing Your Child’s Dreams


It’s exciting and inspiring to hear your child’s dreams about what they want to be when they grow up! Whether they dream of being a superhero, an astronaut, a veterinarian, or a baker, their dreams are a window into their imagination and current interests. 

Child looking forward to construction dream job

Here are some tips to foster those dreams:

    • Listen attentively: Show genuine interest in their ideas. Ask open-ended questions like, “What do you like about being a superhero?” or “Why do you want to be a baker?”
    • Explore together: Help them explore their interests. If they love animals, visit a zoo or a farm. If they’re into art, buy some simple supplies to get them started, or take an art class. Provide books on the topic of interest, and don’t forget a trip to the library
    • Discuss skills: Point out the skills and qualities your child already possesses that relate to their dream job. For example, a child who loves to build with blocks might be good at engineering.
    • Stay positive: Even if their dream seems unrealistic, focus on the positive aspects of their thinking and encourage them to keep discovering.
    • Talk about jobs: Explain that many jobs involve combining different skills and interests. This can help them see the world as full of possibilities.
    • Embrace change: It’s okay for their dreams to change! Encourage flexibility and curiosity about new possibilities.
    • Share your dreams: Think back to when you were their age, what interests did you have? What did you dream about doing when you grew up? This is very special bonding time. You may discover you have similar interests!


Remember, the most important thing is to support your child’s curiosity and passion. Their dreams might change over time, and that’s okay! Enjoy this journey of discovery together. Their future is bright, keep being their biggest cheerleader!