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Story Stones


Making story stones is a fun and creative activity that also sparks kids’ imaginations and encourages storytelling!  Here’s how you can make your own. 

Painted stone characters


  1. Collect or buy some smooth flat stones. 
  2. Clean and dry your stones. 
  3. Choose how you will decorate them. You can:
    • Paint directly on the stones. 
    • Use stickers: Find stickers with characters, objects, or scenes that fit your theme. 
    • Cut out pictures from magazines: Choose pictures that inspire storytelling and glue them onto the stones. 
    • Use fabric scraps: Cut out shapes or characters from fabric and glue them onto the stones.
  4. Seal your designs if desired. To make your story stones last longer, apply a layer of clear sealant to protect them from wear and tear. 
  5. Pick a few stones and use them to create a story together. You can take turns adding stones to the pile and building the story. You can also simply let kids use the stones to create their own imaginary worlds and stories. 


Additional tips: 

  • Choose a theme: This could be anything from fairy tales to animals to vehicles. Having a theme can help you choose pictures and designs that go together. 
  • Get creative! There are no right or wrong ways to make story stones. Use your imagination and enjoy the laughter. 
  • Let your kids choose the pictures, paint the stones, or pick out the theme. This will make the story stones even more special for them. 
  • Make different sets: You can create sets with different themes, characters, or object types to keep the storytelling fresh. 
  • Use them for more than storytelling. Story stones can also be used for sorting, matching, and memory games. 


Have fun crafting stories with your kids!