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Focus on the Good


It can be hard to hear your kids express negative thoughts or see them feeling sadness or anger. It’s important to help teach our kids to develop a more positive attitude about the world around them. Let’s learn some simple ways to help them develop confidence and a positive attitude! 

Parents with happy child

It’s perfectly okay for kids to feel all emotions. Both positive and negative thoughts and emotions play an important role in helping us learn and grow. Trying to be cheerful all the time isn’t the goal! Instead, our goal should be to teach kids how to process negative emotions in a healthy way.  Here are some tips to help with that goal:


Share your feelings

If your kid is upset, let them discuss their thoughts with you. Remind them it is okay to feel angry or sad sometimes, and that these feelings will pass. Knowing these emotions are temporary helps kids move past them.


“Focus on the good” journal/ chat

Each day, have your child journal, or just talk, about moments in their day that were beautiful to them.  Maybe it was a rainbow, a fantastic field trip, the smell of cookies in the oven, a great book they’re reading, or even seeing someone be kind to another person! Be a role model, share your positive experiences with them too.


Help others

People who volunteer, or participate in kind acts, become happier over time. This is because it feels good to help others! Even very small kids can help around the house, by picking up toys or getting themselves dressed.


Set goals

Encourage your kids to set goals and plan for things that might be obstacles. Thinking through how to achieve goals can help your kid more likely to achieve them, which of course leads to increased confidence and a more positive attitude.


Positive affirmations

Guide your kids into creating and making positive affirmations.  Keep these in the present tense, so they can remind themselves often. The more they remind themselves of these special traits, the better. 

I’m kind. I’m helpful. I’m a good friend. I’m special. I’m loving. I’m proud of myself. I’m brave. Making mistakes helps me grow. I can do anything. I’m smart. I’m strong. 

Every kid experiences negative things in life, but we can help them to have a more optimistic mindset, which will not only bring them more joy, but may also increase their achievement in both school and work with a can-do attitude!