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Edible Engineering: A Fun Way to Learn


Have you ever wondered how bridges are built? Or how tall buildings can stand up without falling over? These are just a few of the many things that engineers design and build. You can also be an engineer, and you can use food for your building materials! 

Edible engineering is a fun and creative way to learn about science and engineering. It’s also a great way to get your kids interested in these subjects. 

Little gingerbread houses

There are many different things you can build with edible materials. You can make bridges, towers or houses! All you need are a few simple ingredients. 

Here are a few ideas to get you started: 

  • Bridges: Bridges are structures that carry weight from one side to another. They are a great way to learn about structural engineering. You can make a simple bridge out of two slices of bread and some toothpicks. Or, for a more challenging project, you can try making a suspension bridge out of uncooked spaghetti and mini marshmallows! 
  • Towers: Towers are tall structures that can be used for many different things, like lookout points or communication towers. These are another great way to learn about structural engineering. You can make a simple tower out of crackers and frosting. Or, for a more challenging project, you can try using pretzel sticks or uncooked spaghetti. 
  • Houses: Houses come in so many shapes and sizes, these can be really fun to build! You can make a simple house out of graham crackers and frosting. Or, for a more challenging project, you can try making a more traditional gingerbread house. 


No matter what you choose to build, be creative! Edible engineering is a great way to learn about science and engineering, and it’s a lot of fun too. 

Here are some additional tips for edible engineering: 

  • Use a variety of materials. There are many different edible materials that you can use for engineering projects, such as bread, crackers, cookies, fruit, vegetables, candy, and even marshmallows. 
  • Be creative. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things. The more creative you are, the more interesting your projects will be. 
  • Have fun! Not only is this a great way to learn about science and engineering, it’s also a lot of fun.