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Patterns in Nature


Patterns are all around us, but they’re especially beautiful in nature. Have you ever looked at a flower and noticed the way the petals are evenly arranged? Or seen the way the leaves on a tree grow? If you have, you’ve seen patterns in nature. 

Fish scales close-up

There are many different types of patterns in nature. Some to look for are: 

  • Symmetry: This is when something has two halves that are mirror images of each other. You can see symmetry in many animals, such as butterflies and flowers. 
  • Spirals: These are patterns that form a coiled shape. They can be seen in the shape of seashells, pineapples, sunflowers and even galaxies. 
  • Hexagons: These are six-sided shapes found in honeycombs, snowflakes, and even the cells of our bodies.  
  • Tessellations: These are patterns that are made up of repeating shapes that fit together perfectly. You can see tessellations in the tiles on a floor, the scales on a fish, and even the leaves on a tree. 


Patterns in nature are not just beautiful, they also serve a purpose. For example, the symmetry of a butterfly’s wings helps it to fly more efficiently. The spirals of a pinecone help to distribute its seeds evenly. Trees have a branching pattern that helps them to get the most sunlight possible. And the stripes on a zebra help it to camouflage itself from predators. 

The next time you go for a walk in nature, take some time to look for patterns. You might be surprised at how many you find! 


Here are some fun activities you can do to learn more about patterns in nature: 

  • Go on a nature scavenger hunt to find different types of patterns. 
  • Create a nature collage using materials that have interesting patterns. 
  • Draw or paint a picture of a natural pattern that you find beautiful.


Want to learn more? 

Research Leonardo Fibonacci and the Golden Ratio and see how mathematical these patterns can be!